Jerry Garcia Memorial River Run 5k - 7/26/12 - 23:00 (7:26 min/mile)

As we were driving up to the 5k Thursday night, we passed loads of people walking to the pre-race hangout area and I thought to myself how many of those people looked familiar. It is funny how you start recognizing people at races. It's like you think you knows those people, but you really don't. You just see them at all of the same races. It's like when people have the gym take the same classes or have the same schedule as you. Thankfully, I have started to chat with some of the usual runners and it is great to build/learn/meet new runners!!


*The Jerry Garcia Memorial River Run marked the 3rd of 5 races in the Let's Run Summer Series*

I knew this 5k would not be one of my best efforts. I was still recovering from July 22's Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon (Sunday) in Chicago when this race crept up on me on July 26 (Thursday). But, you need to complete all 5 of the races to get the free jacket in the end so nothing was holding me back from running. :)

PLUS, these races are wicked fun so I never want to miss one.

So Thursday is my busiest day at work since I lead 4 back-to-back-to-back-to-back Weight Watchers meetings from 12-5:45, but they are great groups and days are always easier when I have a 5k to look forward to.

Thankfully the race didn't start til 7:30 so I had plenty of time to come home and chill before we headed out for the run.

The weather report said we would have heavy rain and thunderstorms, but thankfully we lucked out and there wasn't any rain until we were heading out!!

We headed out over the bridge and over to the Start Line. We got there closer to the start than usual so we actually only had to wait about 15 minutes until the race started.

Before I knew it it was time to go. I felt sluggish, but I was still going to give my 100%.

It was WICKED humid, but thankfully I was used to that from Chicago. ;)

So I didn't feel as strong as usual, but I was happy to run into my friend George just after Mile Two. It really wouldn't be a 5k unless I ran into him!! He is one of those people that I kept seeing at races, we chatted on social media then we finally met up at one of the last runs!

I crossed the Finish Line at 23:00 (7:26 min/mile pace). About 33-34 seconds slower than my usual times at the Let's Run Summer Series ... but I was still A-okay with it! I mean hello, I still ran a 7:26 min/mile pace. Me!! So yes, I was happy with the results.

I finished 167 out of 995 overall and 29 out of 546 women.

I will take it!!

Afterwards, I enjoyed some music and brews with my Let's Run ladies: Vickie, Kim and the wife (aka Tori)!! :)

jerry garcia
jerry garcia

I just wanted to note that this was the 16th of my 24 road races in 2012! CRAZY!!