Terrific Tuesday: Contest Win, Got Chocolate Milk Delivery & A LÄRABAR Announcement

Whenever I come off a major race weekend - like I just did with the Runner's World Half & Festival - there is always a sad period. It can last a day, a few or even more than a week. So you can guess that yesterday was a blue Monday.

But it all changed today.

Today became one TERRIFIC TUESDAY!


Not one ... not two ... but three amazing things happened today.

Without further ado I need to share it!


1) I won...

[embedplusvideo height="367" width="450" editlink="http://bit.ly/1FywjL6" standard="http://www.youtube.com/v/OXMiD6c4lAI?fs=1" vars="ytid=OXMiD6c4lAI&width=450&height=367&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=" id="ep2984" /]

I will wait here until you watch the video!

Did you watch it?

Don't lie to me.

I will not write anything else until you do.







Hearing the excitement in my voice was worth the watch, right?

I am freakin' psyched. I cannot wait to pick out the treadmill and change the lives of my entire family.

Thanks again iFit and Runner's World!!!


2) My new Got Chocolate Milk gear and $500 sponsorship money arrived!


I am in love with the new gear! I chose the Triathlon option of the three I was offered. I guess that is really hooking me in to triathlons for the 2015 year, huh? :P

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I really did love the sprint triathlons I have done so far and would love to test out some Olympic distances, but I am not sure another Half Ironman will be on my radar. For now at least.

I think I let you all know that the $500 sponsorship money will be used to fund my first Ragnar Relay experience in 2015 - Cape Cod in May with Team Running Down A Dream. Our team is made up of 12 weight loss success stories, who have combined to lose 1300 pounds.


3) I am excited to be working on a new sponsored campaign with LÄRABAR!


But I am not the only one that is going to benefit. Be sure to tune back to the blog on Friday when my post goes live about my experience with LÄRABAR and the giveaway opens.


Did you catch that? I will be GIVING AWAY a bag complete with assorted LÄRABARs and RENOLA.

Are you getting excited? Well see if you can contain that excitement until Friday! ;)


Isn't this one sweet sweet way to turn around my post-race blues?