Friday #Runch = Gone For A Run #FasterThanBoo10k!

Note: I received complimentary entry into this race through my ambassadorship for Gone For A Run. All thoughts are my own. Ain't nobody got time for lyin'! 

Why not earn a medal during a nice lunch run?

Virtual race FTW! ;)

On Friday I opted to work from home, which allowed me to knock out my run during the day outside instead of early morning inside on the treadmill. #WIN

Since I have one hour for lunch, I knew I would be cutting it close to attempt my Gone For A Run Faster Than Boo 10k. But I was up for the challenge. 

Luckily Gone For A Run mails out the swag packages before the race so you have everything on hand before the run date. This run should've been completed between Oct 29-31. Obviously with a virtual race you can really do it whenever you want.

It was a gorgeous sunny Fall day and I was psyched to be getting out to run to energize myself for the afternoon.

Since I was working from home, I was in my running clothes all morning to save time and get me out the door faster.

I headed outside around 12:30, did a quick stretch and hit the pavement. I wondered if I would run into anyone on the path as I showed off my Faster Than Boo bib and all. 

Of course I wore the bib! It isn't a real race unless you have it on. Well if the virtual race provides a physical bib or one you can print out. If no bib is provided, I'll let it slide... maybe!

What I didn't notice while getting ready for my run was the wind. Oh hey headwind! Thanks for joining the party. 

I'm lucky enough to live right near a great path, where I do a majority of my training runs. So mapping a course was pretty darn easy.

I set out and felt awesome. I had been running on the treadmill during the week and my legs always appreciate when I let them run outside. For me it is easier to run outside rather than on the treadmill. So the mind and body were psyched to be out.

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Mile 1: 8:06
Mile 2: 8:25
Mile 3: 8:25

I forgot that the kids would be in school so I got to bob and weave through recess. I think the kids appreciated my comic book Sparkle Athletic skirt. :)

Once I hit the halfway mark, I thought I was over a brunt of the headwind. Haha. Joke was on me. 

There was actually a sweet side wind that hit me during Mile 5 as I headed over the bridge crossing over the Mystic River. I could barely run straight during that stretch. My body and skirt were drifting to the left. Thank goodness there is a concrete divider between me and the cars on the bridge or I would've ended up right in the middle of traffic.

Now I had a sudden urge to hit the bathroom so I opted to finish the run at 5.2 miles. I told myself I would finish the final mile later on in the day.

Mile 4: 8:05
Mile 5: 8:01

So I stopped the watch and took a break. 

Well I had 15 minutes left of lunch so I opted to head right back out and finish the run outside rather than try to find time to hit the treadmill for one mile later in the day. I was already sweaty and smelly so I might as well finish it up.

Mile 6: 7:52

FINAL: 50:35 (8:10 min/mile)

YAY!! Really proud of my time and effort for this run. It is one of my last longer runs before the Rock 'n' Roll Savannah marathon on November 7. The negative splits were promising and I think you can definitely see which miles had the brunt of the headwind/bobbing and weaving through the kiddos.

Now excuse me while I go turn all the lights off and play with my Glow in the Dark, spinning Finisher's medal... :)