Face It Friday: Two Week Recap, No-Weigh In & Portion Control Wine Glasses

I totally forgot to post last Friday since we had a 5:30am flight to Chicago! I am wicked proud that I actually got up at 3am that day and was on the treadmill by 3:10am to knock out a quick run before we left for the airport. I knew I wouldn't want to do it once we got there... and I was right! All day I kept patting myself on the back for past Dani taking one of the team for future Dani. :P 

I opted to weigh in the day before (3/17) because #accountability! I was up 2 lbs and totally expected it. It was that Time Of The Month and it is a given I will gain that week. I can look back at my weight tracker and that is the pattern every single month since November 2009.

The topic of "Back on Track" is a recurring theme at Weight Watchers meeting and it is helpful each and every time. I knew I would be breaking this weekly out once I returned from our weekend away.

We were heading to Chicago for a long weekend. It was my first time back in 4 years. Actually first time since we moved back to Boston. I was nervous to head there. I was sad that none of my Chicago friends had reached back out to me to hang out. Which was playing with my emotions.

I was going in with a plan that I wouldn't track, but I also wouldn't let that be a reason I would let go of the reins completely. 

I am proud to say overall I was proud of my choices. I indulged more than usual as we headed to some of our favorite restaurants. BUT I made sure to leave some left on the plate. 

Mmmm Ann Sather cinnamon rolls... just as good as I remembered them!

As I said we were in Chicago for three days (which I will recap separately), I racked up over 30k steps a day! Hollah! We were walking all over the city to our old neighborhoods, my first Comic Con and downtown. I also stuck to my training plan and ran 12 miles on the Saturday and 8 on the Sunday.

We arrived home at 1:00am on Monday morning. This TOTALLY threw me off for the rest of the week. I didn't make the time to get to the grocery store. I was waking up late because my body was simply done. I made poor food choices out of exhaustion. No one to blame but me.

So on Thursday I committed to going to my Weight Watchers meeting as a way to recharge and... get back to basics! My friend Heather and I met for dinner after and came up with game plans for the week ahead.

I was ready to get back to tracking and restocking the house with good choices.

I opted to not weigh in Friday morning, but instead join my BRF (Best Running Friend) Page for a run before work. It was exactly what my heart and soul needed.

I feel good going into the week ahead. The only challenge I have is Easter and even that isn't too difficult since I don't like most of the food associated with the holiday. ;) We also don't need to be at my cousin's house until after 2pm so I can be on plan for a majority of the day.

I will be facing the scale no matter what next week.

Before I get back to meal prepping, did everyone see the new Portion Control wine glasses from WW?

I have been asking for these for years and it looks like someone finally heard me. :P There are a ton of companies that offer similar portion glasses. These are 2 for $19.95 sold at WW meeting rooms. I didn't buy them, but my friends I was with did. I have heard folks saying they will just draw the lines on with a Sharpie. That works too. Some folks like the measuring of wine to look a little less inconspicuous and these glasses help with that. Check them out at your next meeting and make the choice for yourself. I just think this is one of the best things WW has sold in the meeting room for years.

Now it is time to go get my measuring cup and enjoy some wine out of it... KLASSY! :P

Current weight: 165.6
Heaviest weight: 235
Weight Watchers Start Weight: 217.4
Goal Weight: 155
Lowest Weight: 150.2