#TransformationTuesday: My 5-year Lifetime-aversary With Weight Watchers

Don't you love when an anniversary or an announcement coincides with a ____ day? Like on Motivation Monday or Throwback Thursday!

Well today that happened to me!

While looking through Facebook this morning, I realized that February 21st is a special day in my weightloss journey!

On this day in 2012, I hit the ultimate goal in Weight Watchers - I became a Lifetime member. A Lifetime member is someone that hit their goal weight with WW and maintained it for 6 weeks. I was wicked excited to hit this milestone and wanted to make it special. 


I made my own Biggest Loser type Finale moment with confetti and all.

It was everything I wanted it to be and it was made even better having the wife there to celebrate with me. 

My goal weight with WW is 155. To remain in good standing with WW as a Lifetime member you should stay within a 2 lb range of that weight (153-157) at your monthly weigh-ins.

Well as you all know at this time I weigh 172.2 - 17 lbs over goal and 15 lbs over my range. But that is okay. I am fighting my way back to my healthy weight.

I was able to maintain it for about 2 years before I encountered my first issue: re-gaining weight. In 2014 I took a new job - a desk job - that made me miserable and I packed on the pounds. Going from constantly in motion to sedentary was tough and bring in a miserable job was only exacerbated by my emotional eating. 

I returned back to my goal weight in September of 2014 and was in a good place until October 2015 when I got my current job and returned to life at a desk. Since joining my current job I have gained weight and haven't been able to find the magic combination to make weightloss work... until now!

Thankfully I am now dedicated to making this work. I know my job won't be changing so time to change what I CAN!

So on this 5th anniversary of becoming Lifetime, I celebrated. I brought a coworker to his first Spin class - at Flywheel. Yes I am cruel. ;) We kicked as at spin then enjoyed a delicious dinner at Sweetgreen.

And you know what else? I FINALLY joined the 300 club at Flywheel and hit a PR by 15 pts!!!

AAHHHH!! If that wasn't the kick my ego and self-confidence needed, I don't know what would!

I ended up finishing 7th overall and 5th among the ladies. Pretty proud of these results especially since this is my first Flywheel class since I think 2015! Now I really don't want to take that long of a break again.

It seems like those strength training classes are really paying off!! :) I am ready to kick Heartbreak Hill's ASSSSSS!!!!

Thanks Dylan for unknowingly spending this special anniversary with me. This was exactly the night I needed!

Here's to celebrating next year's anniversary at goal!