Happy Four Months

Today is a big day ... It marks four months since I had back surgery!

*For background: I herniated a disc in my L4-L5 in mid-December 2010 - unfortunately I still don't know how it happened. From that point on I was banned from all activity. I tried PT, but it didn't improve. So on January 28, 2011, I had a microdiscectomy. It was tough, but the pain subsided immediately.

Being banned from working out may have been one of the toughest things I have overcome. Being told not to do something is never what you want to hear.

I never realized how much I took being active for granted. Just wanting to hit the gym for a quick 30 min elliptical. Nope. Hit the pavement for a nice 5k run. Nope. Bust a move at Zumba. Definitely not.

The endorphins from working out kept me level. Without them, my emotions ran amuck. I took the whole ordeal hard. Depression completely set in - especially with it all happening in the heart of a tough Chicago winter. (There was even a blizzard the week after surgery) Hello depression plus Seasonal Affective Disorder.

It wasn't even about not losing weight either. I was so regimented on points that I managed to lose 10 lbs while being laid up.

I was allowed to start really working out about a month ago and my mood immediately improved. Being able to hit the gym actually break a sweat felt like heaven. I could feel the depression lifting.

From that point on, I vowed to never take being active again. I have pushed myself each day, but always make sure to listen to my back to avoid suffering a setback ... that's definitely what I am working to avoid.

On May 17, I ran 3.1 miles for the first time since November. I felt amazing. The amazing feeling that I had after I ran my first marathon.

So happy four months to me! I am off to do some Wii Fit!! :)