Marathon Training - 20.2 Miles :)

3 Weeks. 21 Days. 500+ Hours. 30,240+ Minutes ... until the Rock 'n' Roll Savannah Marathon. Exactly.

With just three weeks to go, it brought my final 20 mile training run.

I started gearing myself up for it when setting my alarm last night...

That easily pushed me to get outta bed.

Well that and knowing that Sarah was meeting me at the Charles River to run at 7am no matter what.


But this morning I was ready this morning for redemption!

Two weeks ago, I ventured out for my first 20-mile training run with Sarah - she was going to run the first 10 miles with me then I would knock out the final 10 alone.

Our 10 went off without a hitch, but then technology glitches started messing with my head. My iPhone/Runkeeper/Music DIED 15.19 miles into the 20 mile run.

That took me right out of the running mindset ... it was a total mind F^&k!

I ended up run/walking the final 3ish miles of the 20 mile run and I was wicked disappointed.

I also had to estimate my final time based on the last overall pace my phone caught.

I was happy to complete the task I had set out to do, but I was disappointed with how it ended.


So today's run would be different. The wife & I worked on my phone to hopefully lengthen its battery length.

(Note: It's been draining a lot faster since the upgrade done last week)

I also made sure to bring my headphones so I wouldn't be using the speaker.

I met Sarah at 7am and we were off.

The plan was for Sarah to join me on the first larger loop of the Charles River, which I thought was about 14 miles.

Either way I would have company for longer this time, which would also help keep me in the game. :)

We were cruising at about a 8:57 min/mile pace after the first 3 miles or so so we started to reign it back in.

Our goal was to run at about a 9:15 min/mile pace since marathon training should be at least a minute per mile slower than your half marathon pace.

And Sunday I ran a 8:16 min/mile pace in the BAA Half.

But, we just kick so much butt that we kept running faster than planned.

The great thing is with Sarah is that she is a much better runner than I am so she knows when to check in and see if we need to slow it down.

Also we had to remember that she was stopping after 13/14 and I had to keep going so as we neared the end of her run (around the 11 mile mark) I could feel her pace speed up - so we made sure to bring it on back. :)

It's easy to get caught up in a run, especially when the weather is a chilly 34 degrees (real feel 24) on a Saturday morning ... in freakin' October!

As we neared Sarah's stopping point, I made the decision to keep on running instead of stopping for a break like I normally do when Sarah's part is over.

I wanted to keep my momentum going as we were at about a 9:05 min/mile pace when we parted ways.

Thankfully I had less than 7 miles to run by myself and I was prepared with a good loop.

I took off and somehow my pace quickened a little - I think I was a little excited to be nearing the end.

I also was able to turn on the music finally - again hoping my battery would make it through the run.

There were not one, but two charity walks happening along the Charles River as well today so I passed the time checking out their signage as well - Suicide Prevention and JDRF.

I finished the second loop and hit my car at 18.2 miles and at that point, I realized my iPhone was almost out of juice.

So I made the executive decision to stop at car, charge the phone enough to make it through the final 2 miles and stretch out the legs a little.

I was wicked happy with my time and pace at the time of my break.

I could feel my legs tensing up so I just prayed the phone would make i through the final 2 miles.

I also made the executive decision to can the music for the final leg as well. I ended up running into the start of the Suicide Prevention Walk, but thankfully I passed the group before they officially started the walk.

And all of a sudden the run was over...

Could you tell I was a tad bit excited?

Unlike two weeks ago, I ran every single step of the way during this run ... and I felt awesome!!

I had a little bit of hip pain that was leading to some knee and foot pain, but nothing that forced me to slow down or stop - PHEW.

I think three weeks from now in Savannah I will be able to break through those final 6 miles!

Bring it Savannah!! :)