Face It Friday: Accepting A Gain & Race Tracking 9/5/14

After seeing 157.4 on the scale last week for the first time in months, I may have celebrated a little too much ... I may have overindulged a little too much ... I may have had that extra beer. And you know what??

I am okay with that!

What? How? Why?

I knew it would be a big weekend as Labor Day meshed with my best friend and her family coming to visit meeting up with taper week (meaning less working out than normal).

It was the perfect storm.

So I vowed over the weekend to enjoy the moments, but track them all - good, bad or ugly.

And it did get ugly.

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Now tracking this weekend didn't change any of my choices, but it allowed me to accept and own them.

Rather than beating myself up when the number hit a negative.

I checked in with myself and made sure the choices were worth it ... and they were!

Normally after a big weekend, I am right back on track on Monday, but with the holiday we decided to grill out so the points added up. I made that decision that morning and was happy I did.

I made sure to continue to weigh and measure and check off those Good Health Guidelines even when feeling a little off track.

But once Tuesday came around I was back to sticking to my Daily Points Target.

Instead of worrying about the negative number and throwing in an extra workout here or there, I stuck to my training plan. I know that this week leading up to the Half Ironman is about following my game plan rather than trying to get extra workouts in.

It is a fine balance sometimes between weight loss and training.

SO when I prepared to face the scale this morning, I expected a gain and would accept whatever the scale wanted to dish out.

I was fine with everything that happened over the week and was proud of the progress I made over the Summer leading up to the big race.

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The scale read 158.3 this morning - up just 0.9 lb.

I will gladly take that since it could've been more.

My goal when recommitting to tracking/me on June 13 was to be in the 150s before the big race ... and I am!

I feel healthy, balanced, confident and thankful.


And now I turn my focus to race weekend.

The Pumpkinman Half Ironman is Sunday. My swim wave kicks off at 7:11am.

If you would like to track me, you can download the All Sports Events app on iPhone or Android.

* Select Upcoming Events

* Select Pumpkinman Triathlon

* Select Results

* Select Athlete Search

* Search for me (my bib # is 365) and click on Dani Holmes-Kirk

* Click on the heart in the right-hand corner to add me as a Favorite

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I will be turning the big 3-2 on September 16! I am actually pretty excited for it since my 30s have kicked serious booty.

Now I cannot wait to see what happens next…

So how can you help me celebrate turning 32?

Donate to Tedy’s Team and help me #FightStroke in honor of my #1 Stroke Hero – my gramma.

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There are two ways you can participate:

1) The Dani Ryan Holmes-Kirk 3rd Annual 30th Birthday 5k Run-Walk Ramble

A $25 to Tedy’s Team gains you entry to the virtual race, a printable bib, a Finisher’s Medal and 7 entries into the raffle.


Sign up here!

2) Make a $20 donation to Tedy’s Team and gain 5 entries into the raffle.

Donate here!

I have an anonymous donor who will match up to $1,200 raised by the Birthday 5k/raffle! Say whaa?? Heck yeah!

I appreciate all the help!!!


Do you beat yourself up when you over indulge or do you practice self forgiveness?