And the LIE in Two Truths And A Lie Is...

And the Lie was....

3) I took a mid-run selfie with Bill Belichick during the Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville marathon.

While I did speak with Bill during RnR Nashville I did NOT snap a selfie. Congrats to those that figured it out!!

#1 occurred during the RnR Savannah Full Marathon in November 2012. I was bit by a dog on the course.

#2 happened in July 2011 - read about it here!

Thanks for playing!! :)


I love the game two truths and a lie and sometimes play it with my running buddies during those cold winter long runs. Since I love it so much, I thought I would share the game with all of you.

Okay the rules are easy. Of the three statements below – two are truths and one is a lie. Your objective: pick out the lie.


Got it?


Here we go:

1) I was bit by a dog while running a marathon.

2) While running in Chicago one morning, I discovered not one, but two dead bodies.

3) I took a mid-run selfie with Bill Belichick during the Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville marathon.


Soooo it is up to you: which is the lie?