#FaceItFriday: My Return And A New Mantra

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, when I am struggling I need my Weight Watchers meeting.

So today I was determined to get back to my lime green seat in the meeting room.

I last attended my meeting on April 28, which means a two-week stint since I last weighed in. 

When we last left this story, I had celebrated a loss after two-straight weeks of gains.

By Month:

February: -8.2 lbs
March: -7.2 lbs
April: +1.8 lbs

Overall April wasn't kind to me in the weight-loss department and it looks like May would be following suit. 

I wish I had a reason behind the fall off the wagon, but I don't. It really just sounds like a bunch of excuses, but there was a lack of exercise, stress and emotional eating. Plain and simple.

I did take some time to rehab my hurt IT band with some dry needling. And I did run a Ragnar Relay (200 mile relay race with 12 people, my total mileage = 22.04 miles), but outside of that I was pretty lethargic. 

And it really has been helping with the knee pain... YAY!!!

I even made a return to Flywheel last night after a HORRENDOUS showing at last week's class.

THIS was the confidence boost I needed. Just 10 points away from matching my career-high!

Originally we had planned to go to the Cape this weekend, which meant we would've left last night to avoid traffic. I really wanted to get back on track and for me that meant going to MY meeting. Thankfully I have an amazingly supportive wife so we changed our plans around for the weekend to make it work.

So yesterday was my latest Day 1. ;) 

I woke up and leaped out of bed because I was excited to return to MY Friday morning routine. It was awesome to see my crew at the Strength Training class and PT/Trainer Zak snapped this sweet pic of me holding a total of 80 lbs (my overall weight-loss total).

After a little heat session on my knee, it was time to face the music. While I dreaded stepping on the scale, I just hoped I hadn't entered a higher decade (aka wasn't in the 170s). Either way I would accept the number on the scale and move on. No sense getting worked up over what can't be changed. Right?

I changed into my weigh-in dress and faced the music.

Tara said... up 3.0 over the last 2 weeks. Okay I could accept that. It stinks being back to where I was in February, but today is a new day.

Total Lost: 57 (49.4 with WW)
Current weight: 168.0
Heaviest (recorded) weight: 235
Weight Watchers Start weight: 217.4
Goal weight: 155
Lowest weight: 150.2

Now what is that new mantra I mentioned in the blog title.

Leader Tara hit me with it today and I am obsessed with it:

Instead of stuffing our face,
we need to face our stuff

Yup! She dropped that knowledge on the meeting today and it called to me as an emotional eater.

I have fallen back on old habits the past few weeks to deal with stress and it isn't getting my anywhere. I think deferring the half ironman helped alleviate some stress and something at work ended up resolving in a better way than I expected. So I am already feeling a little lighter.

I am going into this week with a hopeful heart and will focus on:

  • Track every bite, lick and taste
  • Earned 4 blue dots on my WW app (which means I was within a certain number of pts of my daily points target)
  • Drink at least 100oz of water every day
  • Blog every day 
  • Log at least 10k steps 

I think it is realistic and doable. I really want to be back at goal for our trip to Disney in July (which is 57 days away). This trip is 8 weeks away so the goal to lose 13 lbs is a stretch, but is still doable. At least it gives me something to anchor to!

For now, I am off to enjoy a Yasso Ice Cream Sandwich (4pts)... :)

What do you think of this week's mantra?