I'm Running The 2019 Berlin Marathon To #FightStroke!

Six years ago today I lost my #1 Stroke Hero… my Grampa!

When he passed away on 27 December 2012, I was devastated and in the middle of training for my first Boston Marathon with Tedy’s Team in his honor.

Tedy’s Team started in 2005, after Tedy Bruschi suffered a stroke at the age of 31. Tedy was in the prime of his life, he had just won his 3rd Super Bowl as a member of the New England Patriots and just returned from his first Pro Bowl in Hawaii.

Tedy and his wife, Heidi, did not know the warning signs of stroke and were unaware his symptoms were stroke related. During his recovery, Tedy and Heidi approached the American Stroke Association to support them in their creation of Tedy’s Team.

When Tedy’s Team was created, the main goal was to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of stroke, and to break the stigma of who can have a stroke.

More than a group training for a historic race, Tedy’s Team became family over the next five years as I ran 4 Boston Marathons, 1 Rock n Roll Nashville Marathon and 2 Falmouth Road Races with this amazing group of people.

With the fanastic support of friends, family and blog readers,
I have raised $36,000 to date to #FightStroke.

While I originally applied to Tedy’s Team to run in honor of my Grampa, the number of people I know affected by Stroke has grown and has my list of #StrokeHeroes.

Lacing up my sneakers and running in honor of my Stroke Heroes keeps them close to me, especially my Grampa who is the only one no longer here with us.

So it is my honor to share on such a significant day in this journey that I will be running the 2019 Berlin Marathon with the Stroke Association in honor of those very same Stroke Heroes mentioned above.

This is an absolute thrill. This will be my 3rd world major and my 6th marathon to help #FightStroke. I have set a fundraising goal of 1,000 EURO.

If you are so inclined, I would love a donation to help me get there. It can be in honor of my one of my Stroke Heroes or one of your own!

Donate Today

If you are unable to donate monetarily, I absolutely understand. I would still appreciate your moral support and if you could please spread the awareness to BE FAST when it comes to knowing the warning signs of Stroke!