Face It Friday: Snack It, Track It & Bike Ride Milestone 8/29/14

Good, Bad, Ugly I have been a tracking fool since June 13 and it feels awesome. Now the topic this week was about Giving Ourselves A Break and being nicer to ourselves. It also touched on allowing ourselves to take a day off from Weight Watchers.

I don't mean have a field day with food or pretend that margaritas are zero points (ohhh if only). What I mean is take the pressure we put on ourselves (or I know I do) off for just a day.

A mental break if you will.

I think that is coming my way.

As I said I have been guestimating, tracking, writing now for over 2 months and sometimes there are times when I want to just throw my hands up, drop my iPhone and run away.

It can happen.

I am thinking this tiny break may come during my birthday week. Again I would still be doing my normal stuff, but maybe just put the tracker away and see if I can survive and stay in control without it.

Now I am not sure that this will really happen, but we will see. I am giving myself that option.

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Through tracking I am realizing that Friday is my worst day of the week. It's obvious why. It is weigh-in day. I become extra vigilant on Wednesday and Thursday to give myself the best shot going into the weigh-in so sometimes being so worried on those days gets me ready to break free on Friday.

Now I eat the same things every Wednesday and Thursday and am never hungry or depriving myself. It is just some extra pressure I put on myself. Always happens before weigh-in.

As a result I am all wound up and ready to pop on Friday.

This is something I am recognizing thanks to tracking and going to work on in the future.

Now I was worried about Friday's weigh-in. My period was looming and I had a small incident with pizza on Tuesday night (3 slices = 22 pts). But the incident was worth it, I tracked it and moved on. The pizza was damn good. Plus I had swum 2.5 miles that day, which wasn't too shabby!!

But the scale was kind.

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Down 2.1 lbs - WOO!!

I am now .4 away from being back in the free LT range (153-157), 2.4 lbs from being back at goal (155) and 4 lbs from my lowest weight in my adult life (153.4 - seen just twice).

But tracking every Bite Lick and Taste keeps me accountable even though I have ended up in the negative 5 of the last 8 weeks, but have lost in 7 of those 8 weeks.

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A fellow WW Leader and Friend thinks I may be over-estimating my foods on the weekend and not ending up as badly in the negative as I think.

Either way it is getting me to move more during the week to try and undo some of the damage.

I know I sound like a broken record, but it really does pay off to own the choices, mark it down and see that negative number. It usually shocks me back to reality.

It also makes me really enjoy the indulgences since they are turning back into a once a month treat.

Plus, going back to meetings has also helped put myself back to the top of my To Do List. :)


Besides having a good number on the scale, I had a bike milestone.

I completed my 56-mile training ride yesterday (which is why the blog post is delayed).


I really didn't enjoy a moment of it, but had to get it done for the Half Ironman on September 7. Maybe a love or even like of biking will happen at some point, but it hasn't happened yet.

While I didn't enjoy it all that much, I am proud of myself for pushing through the mental barriers and getting it DONE.


ALSO, I opened registration for The Dani Ryan Holmes-Kirk 3rd Annual 30th Birthday 5k Run-Walk Ramble to Fight Stroke!!


Did you see the raffle prize list is growing?

New Balance 3Axis Pedometer
ENERGYbits Sample Pack
Zensah compression sleeves
Perform Pain Relief Sample Pack
#Runner shirt from PavementRunner
What You Can When You Can Keychain

Please sign up today!



Do you track no matter how ugly it gets?

Face It Friday: Oh Hey 150s 8/22/14

Throughout my weight loss journey I have always wanted to banish certain numbers on the scale. Like once I got out of the 230s, I never wanted to see them again. Once 199 popped up on the scale, I said OHHH HHELLLLO ONEDERLAND. We will never be breaking up.

Etc etc as the number on the scale went down to the goal decade ... 150s.

I never thought I would be so happy to call that decade home. When I first got there, I checked my dcotors records and the last time I was at that weight was 7th grade. What up 1995! That's right. At goal I weighed what I weighed when I was in junior high.

Isn't that insane?

As someone overweight most of my life (even though it didn't always look it thanks to my height - 5'8'), it was hard to adjust to being in such new terrain.

I swore to myself I would never leave that decade again.

Well life happened this year and that decade left me. I saw numbers I hadn't see in years.

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I felt like a failure. How could I maintain goal for 2 years then let a new job and unhappiness take it all away?

Well as we know I reclaimed the journey on June 13 and have been so happy with the progress made thus far.

Not only is the number on the scale going back down to where it should be, but I am feeling more balanced.

When I hit goal, I was not doing the amount of exercise and endurance training I am doing now. THAT is a huge adjustment: fueling, hydrating, refueling, etc. It is a whole new ballgame.

Again one I thought I would never be in, but am happy with how my fitness journey has evolved over the last few years.

And today I am happy to report I am BACK in the 150s!!

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It is NICE to be back.

But more than what that number says is how I feel. I feel leaner and more toned.

I know there shouldn't be so much emphasis on the scale, BUT I would like to move less of me around during my races. I think of it more for my athletic dreams now than a certain number or a clothing size.

This past weekend wasn't pretty. We were on the Cape and I had a blast. I indulged and enjoyed it. Mmmmm pizza!

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But as soon as we pulled back into our house at 7am on Monday morning, it turned right back to business.

I am proud of myself for estimating the best I could this weekend and NOT throwing my hands up in the air when I saw the negative number hit triple digits. I put my head down and did the best I could to chop it down.

I made sure to focus on the Good Health Guidelines as I do every day. It really shapes my day and I feel better overall when I check those off. Plus the smiley faces are awesome. ;)

Overall I am pleased with my last week. I felt good all week and tried three new Spin class (which I will review on the blog next week).

I wanted to emotionally eat yesterday due to tiredness, stress and overall crankiness. Knowing I had weigh in today I stuck to the snacks I brought in my backpack and avoided tripping a guy for his Kit Kat Bar. Ohh it looked so good though.

Thankfully today is Day One of my week so I start with a clean slate.

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The rude people at Weight Watchers penalized my success by docking me a Daily Point. How rude? ;)

But once again I will do my best, but roll with the punches.


Today, I registered for my friend Shannyn's #virtualpugrun 5k! It has a sweet medal and you can check out the info here.


She is offering a 1-miler, 5k and 10k.


Have a great weekend everyone!!

Do you have a goal decade?

Face It Friday: Lack Of Activity 8/15/14

5 days of forced rest for my sore quads threw me for a mental loop this week. As you all know my Weight Watchers week starts on Friday so by Monday I usually have anywhere from 30-50 Activity Points depending on what my training plan has in store.

Well when I plugged my little Activelink into my computer on Monday morning I had 2 APs. That's right folks 2. Ouch!

I was held out of activity Thursday-Monday. It was rough. I hated seeing my Fitbit barely recording steps and my Activelink lacking in lit up lights. It was frustrating, but I knew it was the best thing for my body.

But I had a big weekend that needed those APs.

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That's right folks. You can see a pretty big negative number up in the tracker.

This past weekend I filled a few cravings I had been having: Chinese Food, chicken tenders, etc. Oh and attended a wedding too.

I actually didn't track after 5pm Friday through Sunday night. I didn't want to know. But then I woke up with that nagging inner guilt on Monday morning and faced the music.


But it was fun and I do not regret any of the choices I made.

I still hit my Good Health Guidelines and my water goals during those 3 days.

Now I know I need to improve my weekend habits, but for now this type of balance is working for me and the social engagements that creep up. Keeping indulging and adult beverages to the weekend is definitely making a difference.

So like usual I tightened up the eating on Monday, but still didn't have the activity to counteract the damage.

Luckily my quads starting feeling better on Tuesday so I was able to swim on Tuesday, bike on Wednesday and run a little on Thursday. Something was better than nothing. Those three days led to the 14 of my 18 APs for the week.

I cannot remember the last time I had as few as 24 APs in a week. I thought for sure I would have an automatic gain just because of that. It worried me for future weeks when I can't keep my AP level to the usual 75-100 APs I've been clocking.

I knew I would face the music this morning. Whatever happened would happen. I enjoyed the weekend and made sure to keep my injury and health at the forefront of my mind for the week. I didn't force an extra workout just to try to earn back some extra APs because my body wasn't ready.

Well, I stepped on the scale today and was down 0.5 lbs from last Friday's unexpected gain. Woo! I will take it.

I really didn't care what the scale said because I feel good. The good routines are outweighing the bad. The balance is being found. I am getting back into a groove.

The progress in the last nine weeks is great. It is more than the 17.8 lbs I have relost, but the healthy habits are outweighing the bad. The motivation has been refound. The light rekindled.

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So this morning, I changed my Weight Watchers goal weight from 155 to 157. The 155 was a number set by my doctor, but it seems my body is happier in the higher end of the 150s.

Hey! As a girl who used to sit in the 230s, I will love any number in the 150s.

From here on out my personal goal will be 155 and my WW goal will be 157 (giving me a range of 155-159).

And I am almost back there.

I really beat myself up over this weight gain. How could I let this happen after 2 years at goal? How could I let myself, my readers and my members down? Then I remembered: I am human. Life happens. It is how you respond to it that truly defines you.

I am a fighter and will continue to learn and adapt as my lifestyle and fitness levels evolve. Finding a balance is crucial.


How do you handle unexpected rest weeks?

Face It Friday: Unexpected Gain 8/8/14

I'm grumpy! I yelled at the scale this morning. I called it some names that I am not proud of, but I did it.


Because of that stupid unexpected gain. You ever have one of those?

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You do every. single. thing. right and how does the scale repay you????? By going in the wrong direction.

It's just rude. Plain and simple.

So I had my hissy fit (it was good one too). I got the emotions out and then I talked to myself like I would talk to one of MY Weight Watchers members.

^ The scale does NOT dictate my worth.

^ My BODY just happened to forget that it is supposed to weigh the lightest for the week at 6:25am on Friday! *How rude!*

^ A gain does not take away all of the good work I did the past week.

^ Unexpected gain does not give me liberty to say SCREW THE UPCOMING WEEK, but to buckle down and keep at it.

^ Focus on the positives from the past week...

So what are those positives?

** I tried my first Barry's Bootcamp class on Tuesday ... and lived to tell the tale about Butts & Legs!


** For the first time in weeks, I came out of the weekend WITHOUT being in the negative!! I was right at zero. :P

** I did my first 3-hour training bike ride - outside - by myself!

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** I am listening to my body and taking a couple of much-needed rest days to try and fix these tight quads.

** I feel in control, lean and overall awesome! Clothes are loose again and I feel stronger in my workouts (pre-injury).

And the best of all...

** I am happy again! Through and through I am overall feeling more positive about life, which is a great bonus.

So if you ever have one of those weeks where the scale forgets to repay you for your hard work just remember: Your Check Is In The Mail!

The scale will catch up to your awesomeness.

But if for some reason it doesn't then simply remember:



Before I get back to icing my quads, I would LOOOOVVEEE your daily vote in the following two Got Chocolate Milk contests… each ends on August 15!

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Chocolate Milk Contest

^I am currently in fourth place (by a lot I know), but the top three vote getters secure the prizes. 1st prize is valued just over $5k, 2nd prize just under $1,900 and 3rd prize around $775. Holy cow they are sweet.


Team Chocolate Milk

^The prize? $500 in sponsorship money, which I will use to fund my first Ragnar Relay experience, new training gear and free race entries. Each time you vote $1 is donated to the Challenged Athletes Foundation. How awesome is that?

Thank you all so much!!!


How do you get past an unexpected gain?

Face It Friday: Fueling For Fitness 8/1/14

I maintained my weight loss for over two years before I really starting feeling any problems. Now the problems began when I completely changed my routine, but also increasing my activity even more threw me for a loop as well. When I started Weight Watchers in 2009, I was a gym rat, but not the right away. I would go to the gym for a couple of hours - yes an hour on the Stairmaster and an hour on the Elliptical. Then refuel with tater tots and beer.

Huh? Why wasn't I losing weight. I don't get it.

Then I joined Weight Watchers and learned that the calories burned on the machines at the gym were FFFAAARRRR from accurate. I learned about Activity Points and fueling your body.

After a year and a half on Weight Watchers in June 2011 (once I was cleared for activity post back surgery), I took up run again. I fell in love with it. I became addicted to it.

I loved that I could eat and drink more as a result. Hello balance!

Now when I started back running I was doing mainly 5ks and a half here or there.

But as time passed and years have gone by I have gone farther and farther into the distance running. I look back at 2014 and see that I had already completed three marathons by the end of April. Not quite the same mileage as I was putting in at the beginning.

When I ran my second-ever marathon in November 2012 (I signed up for it the day I hit goal), I didn't track as closely. Why would I need to? I was earning enough Activity Points to cover any indulgences.

EH! Not so much.

See I like to eat. I like tater tots and french fries. I can mindlessly snack on an entire bag of Stacy's Pita Chips to the tune of 29 pts. Yeah I know that about myself.

So I need to continue tracking while training. It is actually the ONLY way I can properly fuel AND lose weight/maintain my weight loss. If I throw the "Eh I ran today I can have an extra helping of ____," the pounds will come back on.

I don't have the control about myself. It is something I've learned and am still working on to this day.

That is why I needed to refocus and recharge these past 7-8 weeks. My Activity Points are now constantly in the high 90s to low 100s. I need to keep an eye on making sure I am refueling enough and properly.

I have used all 49 Weekly Points since the first week of WW (well back then it was 35, but you know what I mean). I am not about deprivation.

And you know what, I perform better and have more success with the scale when I use those extra points. I think of myself as a car - a hot car - and I need to keep enough gas in the tank. If not, the body holds on to the weight for fuel ... and nobody wants that.

So I am back to my balance ... back to fueling for the athlete I want to be ... back to feeling in control.

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Look who wasn't in the negative this week? :)

Now where's my beer? I need to carbo load for Sunday's long ride. ;) #balance


Additional notes from this week:

^ I am now 5.6 lbs from my happy weight. Yay!

^ I have tracked or guestimated every day since June 13, which has to be one of my longest streaks since hitting Lifetime in February 2012.

^ I have attended a WW meeting every week since June 13 making it a priority again. It may not be the groups I lost my weight with (I did all that in Chicago), but it is great to zone out and be with people who understand

^ Getting back to weighing every week. I was in the habit with Lifetime to just weigh in once a month, but personally I need that check-in since training has me hungry and always ready to eat. ;)

^ Some days I wish I could be those people who just needed the help knowing what to eat to lose the weight and keep it off, but for me it is far more emotional and mental than I ever thought. But I accept that and know I need to watch for the rest of my life probably as emotional/mental habits are life long struggles.

^ Thank you for all continuing to take this ride with me. Losing weight and maintaining big weight loss is not linear - it is all about the peaks and valleys.

^ Resurrecting Face It Friday has been very cathartic for me. It forces me to really look back at how the past week went. Holding myself to being honest with you keeps me honest with myself!


Finally, there is still time to sign up for the F.A.S.T. virtual 5k/10k run/walk to benefit Tedy's Team. Did you know: About 800,000 people in the United States have a stroke each year?

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16 spots remain and registration ends August 10!

Face It Friday: I Didn't Throw In The Towel 7/25/14

Last weekend was FUUUNNNN! I do not regret a single food or drink choice I made.

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I celebrated the wife's 34th birthday AND completing my third triathlon. I filled some cravings that I had had for months... and they were delicious.

Now my week starts on Friday as we know. So Friday itself was a 109 pt day. Yup you read that right. We went out to a big dinner and I ate delicious pizza and drank decadent beer. It was great.

Now Saturday and Sunday we were on the go with the race so I didn't track.

I knew I was over, but didn't have the energy to see how over.

But, Monday morning I looked at myself in the mirror and said the only person I am hurting is myself. So I sat down and estimated the best I could.

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Yup, three days into my Weight Watchers week and I was -114 pts in the hole.

That was a punch to the gut moment. But I patted myself on the back for owning up to it.

At that moment I decided instead of throwing in the towel and "restarting" on Friday when my WW week would be fresh, I decided to see how much I could earn back through Activity. It was lighting a fire under my training butt.

So I worked and I happily saw the number decrease.

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I knew I would never get back into the positive, but I felt okay.

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I really didn't care what the scale said this week because I was living on my NSV (Non-Scale Victory) of sticking with my game plan and reaching out to friends for support.

Every day I hit my DPT, filled all of my Good Health Guidelines and was staying well hydrated with H2O. I was feeling GREAT.

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So I woke up this morning feeling light and lean, but reminding myself that even if the scale showed a gain I would NOT take away the accomplishments of the week.

I took out the scale, dusted it off, closed my eyes and stepped on.

Down 2.8 lbs!

Woo! Now I do not get into the habit of going into the negative with my points. I've been doing Weight Watchers for almost 5 years and know that weeks will vary because well life happens.

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Do I want to keep this pattern of being in the negative going - of course not. But I made it through two tough weeks and still came out on top.

So next time you have one bad meal or day and think you ruined the whole week remember this post, track it and move on.


Since June 13, I have successfully shed 16.2 of the 15.8 lbs gained during my temp assignment. Yes that means all the weight plus a little extra is GONE. Yahoo!! What a great feeling getting back to the balance I know that works for me.

Sometimes we need to go through a bumpy road to find the focus again and the reason we started this journey to begin with.


This week I will be participating in my own fundraising virtual 5k - F.A.S.T. (Fight Against Stroke Together) 5k/10k - and would love for you to join me. You can click here to find more information about how you can help Fight Stroke AND get a sweet Finisher's Medal.



And finally, if you all could take a moment and vote for me I would really appreciate it. There are some sweet prizes on the table and you all know I love my low-fat chocolate milk.


I think you can vote once a day! Thanks!!


I hope everyone has an amazing week. I am race free this weekend, but have some social engagements to attend. I will once again track it and own it.

I will keep the following mantra in the back of my mind:

Eat To Live Don't Live To Eat

Face It Friday: In The Negative & I Still Lost 7/18/14

My Weight Watchers week begins on Friday. By Sunday I was deeply in the negative. You may ask how? I was so active that weekend.

Well I was out-of-town visiting a friend and stupidly bought a bag of Baked Cheetos, which I proceeded to eat during the two days in the car. That bag rang me 24 PPV alone.

Additionally, I enjoyed some delicious beer and birthday cake/ice cream for my niece.

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Now I can admit I didn't track Saturday or Sunday. I knew it was bad and didn't want to see how negative it was.

Then I looked in the mirror and told myself what I told my members: "Even if you don't write it down, the Points still count."

So I dragged out my iPhone from next to me ;) and did my best at estimating. On Monday morning, I was -28 PPV. Yeah that meant I used all 49 WPs and any APs I had earned. Ouch!

But seeing the number made me get up and move more.

I didn't care if I made it back to the positive I just wanted to lower that negative number as best I could.

And you know what happened?

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I LOST 1.6 lbs!!

Woo! I really focused on sticking to my DPT (Daily Points Target) and Good Health Guidelines during the week days.

Plus, I made the rule when I refocused on June 13 to keep alcoholic beverages to the weekend ... aka DrinkEnd! :) There are obvious special exceptions like the race on July 3rd. But it has helped me to enjoy them more when I do have them.

Now I wasn't perfect during the week. I had a mini chip binge on Wednesday night - to the tune of 11 pts. But I tracked it and moved on. I also know it happened because I stayed up too late watching TV so I could pinpoint the issue.

I had no idea what the scale would do this morning, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Tracking really does work. Instead of just throwing my hands up on Monday and saying well this week is a bust. Tracking allowed me to refocus and come up with a new plan for Monday-Thursday.

u turn

So when you hear yourself say:

I don't even WANT to know how many Points that was!

Run to your computer, phone or Pocket Guide and look it up or guesstimate. Putting something in the tracker is better than nothing.


Since June 13, I have successfully shed 13.4 of the 15.8 lbs gained during my temp assignment. Yahoo!! What a great feeling getting back to the balance I know that works for me.


I had to skip my meeting this morning because I went on my longest bike ride to date, BUT I will be attending the 8am meeting tomorrow to make up for it. :)


The bike ride was exhilarating as I pushed new paces, rocked some hills and even managed to fall of the bike for the second time while stopped. Ha.


Have you ever ended up in the negative during a Weight Watchers week? How did the scale treat ya?

Face It Friday: Feelin' Good 7/11/14

Livin' La Vida ... balanced! Okay that doesn't really flow like Livin' La Vida Loca, but work with me.

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I hit the massive reset button on June 13! I faced the scale and realized I was up 15.8 lbs from the week before I started the temp job (Feb 20).

Not okay! There are plenty of excuses I could throw out there, but the blame lies on me.

It is the most amount of weight I had gained back since hitting goal in January 2012.

But it took that shock to snap me back to reality. To reassess what was working and what wasn't.

So I have gotten back to basics.

I've refocused and am holding myself accountable.

And it has helped 11.8 lbs to be gone. Now the first week of being "back on plan" resulted in a 6+ lb loss, which was mainly bloating and water weight.


How did it start?

Getting back into the meeting room!


Sitting my butt back into the green chair has been exactly what I have been looking for. Since becoming a WW leader, I didn't have the time to get to a meeting since I was mainly leading all the convenient times. ;) But now I am making it a priority and it feels nice to put the member hat back on.

It was my Success Story that really sparked that for me. Since I went on and on about my love of meetings.

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I got over attending a meeting I used to lead and it's been worth it.

After refocusing the meeting room, it has been tracking.

Novel concept I know. ;0)


Has it been perfect tracking? Absolutely not, but guesstimating - especially on the weekend - is a form of accountability.

My food scale and measuring cups are back out on the counters. Oh portion control!


Especially chips!! I love throwing broken pieces of chips on the food scale to get myself spot on with the serving size. Grams are easy for me to work with than "about 6 chips."

Oh hey Good Health Guidelines! Allowing the WW Healthy Checks to shape my day has made me feel healthier overall.

But at the heart of it all, I had to remind myself that I am worth it as well as my fitness goals. Eating for training and my activity goals has reframed my choices.

Still asking myself that question:

“Will X help me achieve my goal?”

And yes pizza and sangria sometimes do help! ;)

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So limiting my indulgences to the weekend or a special occasion during the week has actually been easier than I thought. Sometimes climbing back on the wagon is tough, but it has felt easy. You know that means my body and mind were ready for it.

During this time, I felt ashamed of the weight gain, but life happens - which can be an excuse. But it has been a learning experience, there are things I have learned from WW that I must continue to relearn and keep as a priority if I want to have success with weight maintenance. :)

Some people don't have to keep tracking, but this girl needs to. It keeps me accountable and my portion sizes in control.


It was funny after indulging on Saturday with the wife in Ogunquit, Maine, I was ready to get back to "normal" on Sunday. I think that is a good sign.


How was your week?

Face It Friday ... Bringin' It Back!

Truth Tuesday. Face It Friday.

When I was focused on losing weight, every weigh-in day I would post about the results or just how the week was going. It was that extra accountability I needed ... and allowed me to use some alliteration! ;)

But once I hit goal and then Lifetime - they stopped. Why? Because I wasn't weighing in on the regular any more. Instead of attending my meeting, I was leading it. There was a shift. So away went the posts.

Now I am not necessarily back to weighing every Friday, but I think this can serve as a space to reflect back on my week. Make note of the good and the bad. Face "it" where the "it" is myself rather than the number on the scale.

There is that whole changing with the times thing I mentioned in yesterday's post.

So let's get right to it.

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The past two weeks I have been focusing on what helped me get to goal and what works to keep me there. I got back to tracking - because I still can't control portions when I don't own up to them with a point value - and focusing on the Good Health Guidelines.

It has worked. I feel better. The bloating that was going on has gone away and I am seeing more positively.

It's like the design says up above. You feel good when you exercise regularly and when you exercise regularly you eat better... etc! Everything relates to each other.


And it pays off on the scale as well. Adios bloat!

Now this tracking wasn't perfect but I focused on progress. I know I indulge Friday-Sunday - it's life! So I tracked as best I could those days and stayed true to my 28 DPT Monday-Thursday. :)

I also made sure that I focused on getting in the Good Health Guidelines - all of them - Monday-Thursday and as many as possible Friday-Sunday.

And you know what. I went to a BBQ, I had beer, I moved a lot and I lost. I even used all WPs and half of my APs. And you know what? The scale still went down.

So many members are scared to use the WPs and APs, but what is the harm in trying? You earn 'em - use 'em. Weight Watchers gives them to you - use 'em. That's my motto. And if it doesn't work - tweak it.

There is no rhyme or reason to weight loss week in and week out. The body may forget that it should be it's lightest at the moment you step on the scale. So think about how you feel.

Today, I feel happy and healthier than two weeks ago.

That's what matters.

So as I look at myself in the mirror today and Face It, I know I put out my best foot this week. Was every choice spot on? No of course not. But, I paused and thought about the consequences before I ate or drank something.

My question for this past week and future weeks will be:

"Will X help me achieve my goal?"

And you can bet your booty that occasionally I will say: "Will this beer help me achieve my goal?" Hellz to the yeah.

Balance is what I found this week and I will continue to strive for in the future.

Watch out folks ... Dani got her groove back!


WIN of the week

Attending and winning my first Flywheel Boston Spin class taught by my Tedy's Team teammate Melinda!

(Note: your first class is FREE so definitely check out a Flywheel near you!)

