Face It Friday: No Weigh In, Blizzard 2015 & An Honest Tracker 1/30/15

Today I took a No-Weigh In. The wife started feeling woozy and sick yesterday so take a wild guess who started feeling those symptoms next. So last night I took some Nyquil PM and turned my alarm off. Taking care of us is more important than the scale. So I am okay with the choice.

Now this past week was not one of my finest weeks food wise. Not the reason I took the NWI. The number on the scale is just that a number.

I made the conscious choice to bring tempting snacks into the house when I knew I would be stuck in the house due to Blizzard 2015. Now I did do about 3+ hours of shoveling on Tuesday (day of the storm) AND went outside for a 4.5 mile run.



Bravo to me for getting out and getting active despite multiple excuses I could've used.

Next Blizzard I will keep the tempting chippy type snacks out of the house and move the healthy stuff (that I did have in the house) to the FRONT of the fridge and cabinets!


I had a horrendous week keeping my emotional eating and poor snack choices in check BUT I weighed/measured it all and honestly tracked. Why lie to my tracker? It only hurts me.

Since my tracker is never failure and only FEEDBACK, I have a new plan for this week. My week restarts on Friday!

I did a lot of good stuff this week that I will celebrate:

^ 10 straight days of tracking, 100% on activelink (10 APs) and at least 10k steps on my Fitbit ^ 16 consecutive days of drinking at least 100oz of water ^ Extended my running streak to 97-straight days ^ Successfully practiced self-forgiveness

I also had a sweet Non-Scale Victory (NSV) at an Athleta event on Newbury Street. Oh hey size Medium pants! Yes I had to buy both pairs because well they were Medium AND I was getting 30% off. ;)



Are you tracking honestly?

Face It Friday: A Manageable Gain, Disneyland & Tracking

Now when we last met on January 9th I had gotten myself back down to goal. Like goal on the nose - right at 155.


I was elated.

2014 was a horrible year for me weight wise so I am happy to be starting 2015 in a better frame of mind and a better number on the scale.

I was unable to weigh in last week because 1) I slept through my alarm to weigh in Wednesday morning and 2) I was out of town at Disneyland on Thursday/Friday. I felt okay with having the week off from the scale.

BUT that didn't mean I gave up tracking.

I made a deal with myself. I would NOT make myself track during our 5 days away at Disneyland IF I tracked every Bite, Lick and Taste up to that point... which I did. I tracked for 69-straight days before the trip.

When we left for Disneyland, I told myself I could enjoy whatever I wanted while there as long as I got RIGHT back on track as soon as I got home.

You know what? It worked!

I enjoyed a Mickey pretzel and a Mickey ice cream, as well as other indulgences... guilt free! I did make sure to wait and enjoy the pretzel and ice cream on the FINAL day of the trip as to not tempt myself to have them everyday. It worked like a charm!

We arrived home Monday night after having an absolutely amazing time. I earned 90 APs and tracked over 125k+ steps on my Fitbit. So yeah there was some moving involved while away.

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Costumes from the Run Disney Star Wars 5k, 10k and Half!

But when I woke up Tuesday morning I got right back to business. Was the day perfect - not at all, but I wrote it all down. And it really felt great to be back to my normal routine.

So I stepped on the scale Friday fearing what the number would say.


155.6 - a 0.6 lb gain! Oh hellz yeah that is a manageable gain. I was thrilled. Cuhlearly being on track surrounding those 5 off-plan days and moving non-stop helped keep the scale in check.

Now can a belated gain show up next week, absolutely! The scale forgets it should be it's lightest on weigh-in day. There are also times when an off week can show up two weeks down the road. The scale is a fickle beast that only shows us one side of the journey.


I am prouder of the fact that I got on the scale despite the fear of the number. I could've hidden away, but what's the point. The number is going to be the same whether I step on the scale now or not. (Have I always lived by the mantra - no - but I'm working on it!)

The scale is always Feedback never Failure!!

The best part was going to Disneyland feeling fit and fabulous. I felt comfortable in my costumes and walking around the parks - something missing from my trip to Disney World last year.


I want to hold on to that awesome feeling as I continue to train for the Boston Marathon AND prepare for our trip to Disney World next month.

We are heading to Disney World February 19-24 for the Run Disney Princess weekend races (5k, 10k and Half). I made another pledge with myself: If I track every day between now and Feb 19, I will allow myself to enjoy Disney World tracking free. I feel again this is a good tactic for me and one that allows me to indulge guilt-free.


Does this mean there is no mental tracking going on? Oh definitely not. I have been doing WW long enough that I still have a tally in my head even when not putting it in the tracker.

When we got to the airport, I went to the "healthy snacks" wall at Hudson News and picked up Chex Mix and some Trail Mix. Yes I know I could've gotten grapes and yogurt, but I didn't want those and I hadn't had Chex Mix in months.

Again I said I wouldn't track, but for my own knowledge I needed to know the points. Why? So that the next time I tried to buy them I would know how much it would cost me.

Because once you look up the points of something - you never UNknow it! Am I right?

The bag of Chex Mix from Hudson News cost me 23 points. OUCH! Worth it in that moment? Yes!

The bag of Trail Mix from the "healthy eats wall?" Entire bag 28 points. My wife and I split it so 14 pts each. Worth it? Nope! But I live and learn. Now I know for my next trip to scan these items before buying - even if I am not tracking. Scan them because knowledge is power people!


So there are my life lessons of the last two weeks. I made some great choices. I made some not great choices. BUT I owned every choice I made, practiced self-forgiveness, re-found some confidence that was missing and got right back to business when "vacation mode" was over.


How do you handle your vacations when it comes to tracking/healthy choices?

Face It Friday: A Gain, 100 APs & Recipe Builder Lesson! 1/2/15

I did it. I faced the scale. I didn't want to. I thought of 1,000 reasons not to.

Then I got a text from a friend saying she would be facing the scale every Friday no matter what and that I would be her accountability buddy.

Fiiinnnee universe. I will take that as a sign to just get it over with.

Also, I made the promise in last week's Face It Friday post (read here) that I would continue to weigh in AND after a holiday just to stay connected.

The number on the scale does not measure success or failure for me, but rather feedback. Yes I would love to stay at a certain number, but if that numbers goes up I will no longer say I failed. I will look at my tracker, reassess what worked and what didn't and move on.

So today I got up and faced it.


I knew it wouldn't be pretty. I had a heavy point day the day prior, I drank 2 beers (which I never do the day before weigh in) and got my period. Lucky me, huh? :P

Plus I hadn't weighed in since Christmas Eve morning and had a ROUGH week foodwise.


While I tracked it all or estimated as best as possible, it wasn't good. I indulged too much and didn't have enough fruits/veggies.

But I owned every decision.

And the scale read...


Ick! I was hoping to at least stay in the 150s. Oh well. I got my feedback and today started a fresh clean week.


Boy I love the look of a new week.

I followed two weeks of losses with two weeks of gains, not okay for my goals.

Now my immediate reaction was to shy away from posting about the gain. But you know what folks gain. Heck I gained that 20 lbs back in the Spring. I wasn't happy about it, but I am human. Sharing about the struggles are par for the course in this tricky world of maintenance.

So I am working past the negative comments in my head and focusing on the positives of this past week:

^ Faced the scale when I didn't want to or could've taken a NWI

^ I've kept the streak alive for hitting goal on my activelink - 27 days and counting

^ I earned 100 APs this week. Also the gain proves that you cannot out workout a bad diet!


^ I extended my tracking streak to 56 days. Not every PPV entered was exact, but I estimated as best as possible.

^ Set a course PR at my New Year's Day 5k!


It was the fifth-straight New Year's Day I kicked off with a 5k.


^ I used recipe builder even though I wanted to pretend the homemade cookies from my dad were less PPV than they were.

So my dad makes these delicious cookies with raspberry jam and this gooey glaze. I was counting them this past week as 2 PPV since I could eat them in 2 bites (tiny cookies). But I knew that had to be low. I asked my dad for the recipe and he happily gave it to me. Okay he gave it to me after saying: "I don't think you want to know how many points these cookies are!" Oh dad, that is exactly when I do! :)

I proceeded to enter the recipe into recipe builder and got the PPV of the whole recipe. My dad said the recipe should make 36 cookies, but his batch is usually around 30. I put 36 cookies into the builder and got 3 PPV per cookie. THEN I looked myself in the mirror and said put in the actual number - 30 - which turned it to 4 PPV each!


But I went back into my tracker and correctly tracked the cookies.

I was proud of myself for 1) not pretending the cookies were less PPV than they were and 2) taking the bull by the horn and saving the recipe/PPV in my tracker so I am prepared for the next time I come face to face with those cookies.


While this week wasn't ideal, I am still proud of the things I learned and truly did enjoy ever PPV I used. Facing the scale can be scary, but it doesn't define you as a person:

See the number, accept it and learn from it!


How do you face the scale when you don't want to?

Face It Friday: Different Holiday, Same Result 12/26/14

Does anyone else have those out of body experiences when in the middle of an activity? I felt like I was flying above my body on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and just shaking my head at poor choices left and right. Now I made the mistake of weighing in on Wednesday morning rather than waiting until my normal day on Friday morning.

Why did I weigh in early? Well I could tell you that it is because I was subbing the meeting I normally weigh in at ... but that would be an excuse.

I really wanted to get the weigh-in over before choosing to overindulge on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Yup I set myself up for failure disappointment there. You would think that I would be smarter five years into Weight Watchers, but we are all still learning.

My weekend wasn't that great. I had a few more beers than the past two weeks and could feel the bloat stay with me all week.

I ended up being up 0.6 this week (12/24 weigh-in) and accepted that.


It wasn't what I wanted, but I did the best I could on Monday and Tuesday to get back on track. I missed two days worth of on spot eating and extra activity. Life is life.


I was happy to be within free lifetime range for the second-straight work. Woo! Tiny victory.

Now once the weigh-in was over I tried to stay on plan for as much of Wednesday as I could... until our Christmas Eve tradition would start.

Well I promptly emotionally ate 14 pts worth of Simply Tostitos. Now I made the mistake of opening the bag in the car! NOT AGAIN! Remember: Never Failure, Always Feedback. So remembering that for future reference.

I am proud that when I got home I calculated how many grams of chips were in the whole bag, weighed the amount of chips remaining and did the math to get an accurate PPV for the incident in the car. That is how I figured out it was 14. I will take THAT as a Bravo moment.

We enjoyed the holiday tradition: Chinese food, wine, PJs and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I inevitably had the extra helping of Chinese food I didn't need and same with the wine.

BUT I did track it all. Another tiny victory.

I woke up at 7am on Christmas morning to get in a 10k run - 5k with my dad biking with me and 5k with a friend - in the rain! Go me.

Once home from the second 5k, my friend Lori and I each had a beer to celebrate. :)

We - my parents and I - opted to stay home for the Holiday, which I was behind. I thought it would help me stay more on plan, but actually backfired. I made one poor choice after another. I had more on plan food downstairs in my apartment, but instead went with the higher PPV foods my parents had. Ummm hi Dani you know better.

I think my downfall was giving myself permission to enjoy the Holiday as long as I tracked it all... which I did. I made sure to practice self-kindess and self-forgiveness... but maybe a little too much! You know what I mean?

Next Holiday

**I need to give myself a PPV cap. I think that will give me the flexibility to have what I want, but to keep it in control.

**I need to stick with my normal weigh-in day which would also keep me more in check on the Holiday in question.

Now, I am proud that I saw how my Christmas morning went and opted to get out for a third run to bring the total of Christmas miles to 9. Woo!

While I am happy that I tracked all through the week, I didn't like the choices that I made. This folks is why it is so helpful to track no matter what - I have something to look back to and see what worked and what didn't.

We know this isn't the first or last Holiday I will experience so I can improve each time.

I did end up hitting 94 APs earned over the week, which is my highest in a few months. Woo!


Overall not my best week and not my worst. It was kind of there. BUT I did move more, tracked it all and didn't feel like I "wasted" any PPV.


How did you Holiday go? Did you practice self-forgiveness for choices made?

Face It Friday: A New Goal 12/19/14

When we last met, I was feeling back in the groove with my weight loss progress. 2014 proved difficult for my weight maintenance plan, which I think we are all caught up on that now. ;) So on Saturday, I asked the Tedy's Team coach during the group run what weight he thought I should be at to really attack my time goals at Boston in 2015. I shared with him that I was back down to 158 and my lowest weight as an adult is 153.4 (thanks WW). He thought for a moment before responding with: "Can you lose 10?" <<Enter my blank stare>> 10 pounds? Yeah. Well I have always wondered if I could maintain a lower weight.

At that time I decided I would try to get back to my lowest weight with Weight Watchers and re-evaluate then. Now either way this conversation lit a little spark under my booty.

This past week I continued my streak of being a Track Star (which sits at 42-consecutive days as of 12/18) and really took each food choice to heart. Before making any decisions I checked in with myself and asked one of the following questions:

* Is this worth the points?

* Do I need to eat a second ____?

* Will this help me reach my goal for Boston?

* How do I really feel right now?

Now I continued to indulge, I had a few beers, some fries and onion rings... but it was relegated to two days and I had the Points available. I don't believe in deprivation, which is why I love Weight Watchers so much.

I don't have much of a social life so there weren't many challenges on my plate this past week besides a surprise attack on Monday and focus group event on Wednesday night.

On Monday, my wife asked to order Chinese Food. I stuck to my guns and politely declined having anything ordered for me. (High Five) She opted to still order. So when the food was on its way, I hopped on the bike trainer and committed to riding for one hour. While I was on the bike trainer in the living room, the wife decorated our Christmas tree near me, we listened to music and I thought about her food. It arrived while I was on the bike, she ate it while I was on the bike and it was put away while I was on the bike. (High Five) I successfully distracted myself while the tempting food was a few feet away from me. I knew my dad and I would be splitting Chinese Food on Christmas Eve (tradition) so I decided in that moment the Chinese Food wouldn't be worth it on that night, but will be on Christmas Eve. (Who am I? Go me!)

On Wednesday, there would be free food and free drinks. Ahhh *Red Light* I still get very anxious when I hear the word free before any food situation. My immediate impulse is to eat everything in sight because it is free and hey why not. But I didn't want to fall into that trap. I went in with a game plan. I brought my own food: salad, yogurt and strawberries. My goal was to stick to my own food and drink water. The food served looked great, but nothing too special. I happily ate my food and never went near the food cart. I saw the desserts and pictured germs all over them to help pass any desire to eat them. :P And you know what - I did it! I definitely gave a fist pump to myself when I left the event on plan.

Yes it is one small instance, but it gave me HUGE confidence for the next time I am in that same situation.

And you know what?

It freakin' paid off.


Today I made it back to a weight within my Lifetime Range!! Wahoo! It has been too long for my liking since I was in that range.

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Yay being down 1.8!

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I am now 1.4 lbs away from being back at goal. My Lifetime Range is 153-157.

For the second straight week, I earned 90+ Activity Points AND was not in the negative! Woo!


I needed these past two weeks to snap the rut I had been in since early September.

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I felt stuck during that time and now I am feeling waayyyy better.

NOW, I know the next two weeks will be a little bit tougher. Now again I don't have any real parties to go to, but there are some family traditions and just changes in my normal routine.

So I will commit to tracking this week, weighing in on Wednesday and doing the best I can. I am already mentally planning when I want to splurge and when I will get extra activity in.

I will take whatever happens on the scale this week, practice self-forgiveness and enjoy the time with friends and family!

But for now I am wicked proud of myself and am going to head off and do a little happy dance. Yay extra APs! ;)


How will you be handling the Holidays when it comes to your weight loss journey?

Face It Friday: Feelin' It 12/12/14

I've been at this weight loss game since birth. I was born over 10 lbs. Yes destined to be a Weight Watchers member from day one. It's been over 5 years since I walked into my first WW meeting and almost 3 since I moved to the other side of the scale as a Leader.

So why hasn't it gotten any easier?

Oh I know!

Because for me this whole weight loss and healthy living journey is more emotional/mental than physical. It is more than eating the right foods and portioning out my snacks. It is about dealing with the WHY I turn to food when happy/sad/angry/bored/you name it! And that is why for me this will be a life-long journey to take control of those inner demons.

But I continue to win as long as I keep trying.

After a little gain last week, I was determined to right the ship this week. I went into my week wicked motivated by my amazing Weight Watchers members. I let that motivation and inspiration pour over and be ever present in the front of my mind.


And for maybe the second time this year, I came out of the week in the positive. That is right folks. You read it here. I had points left over.

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Now that the shock is wearing off. I can tell you it was an proud feeling. I merely wanted to prove to myself that it could be done.


There were some realizations this week:

^ Cut alcohol down to 3 drinks this week and only on one specified day (following the Santa Hustle half marathon) That was tough. So I replaced with a nightly hot cocoa from the Keurig (2PPV). Now quite the same, but still a way for me to sit back, reflect and end the evening.

^ Earned 90+ Activity Points for the first time in almost two months. PLUS I hit 1,000 miles for 2014 last night (12/11)!! <<Raise the roof>>


^ Weighed, measured, tracked and OWNED a 17-point snack attack that occurred Monday Night. Accepting what happened allowed me to more easily get right back on track the next morning instead of letting the guilt hang over me. Which would've led to further bad choices.

^ Shared my slip-ups with my members and readers allowing me to again release the guilt.

^ Did my weekly walk with my friend and fellow WW Leader Susan. Now this is a weekly occurrence but on Tuesday it was downpouring so instead of canceling we came up with a plan B. We walked the floors of Macy's (leaving our CCs behind) for almost an hour. So we got our weekly check-in, which I so desperately rely on now!

^ Asking myself "How am I feeling right now?" before I eat something. Most of the time for me my choices are driven by emotions rather than actual hunger. This pause to check in with myself and my emotions can catch a slip before it happens.

^ I do make a difference in my members lives. I received a sweet gift from a member on Wednesday and it totally touched my heart and has left a huge smile on my face all week long.


^ Overall feeling better, more in control and happier. I felt so blah the past couple months and I am happy to report slowly, but surely that is starting to turn around. :)


Tomorrow marks the beginning of Boston Marathon training with Tedy's Team (donate here). I wanted to go into the training feeling good about myself and my weight ... as I did for the Half Ironman back in September. I am proud to report that I am. I still have work to do. 1.2 to lose to be back in Lifetime range and 3.2 to go to be back at goal. But I am closer than I was back in June and have more resolve now.

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I cannot believe I am beginning training for my 7th marathon. When did that happen? I never thought I would run 1/4 of a mile let alone set out to CHOOSE to run 26.2... for fun!! :P


Do you stop to check in with your emotions before making a food choice?

Face It Friday: Rut Needs To Be Snapped 12/5/14

What is happening? A phrase I have uttered to myself countless mornings recently.

I was cruising this summer. After the unhappy and ego crushing weight gain of the late winter (24 lbs to be exact), I kicked it in to high gear over the summer and shed 20 of the 24 lbs. Feeling good and within 2.4 lbs of goal, I competed in and completed my first Half Ironman.


Then the rails went off. It wasn't as if I threw Weight Watchers out the window. It was just the focus from the Summer and having the race to train for was gone.

Obviously I race a lot and am still active, but the activity level dipped from the Summer and I have been fighting to regain that drive ever since.

So in October and November I felt stuck. It was turning into more of a mental battle of wants/desires and pure laziness. I know when I am off plan it is only because I am feeling lazy. Which really grinds my gears.

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See skipped weigh-ins! Never a good sign. I know I am feeling "off" when that happens since normally I face the scale no matter what.

Every Friday I would wake up with renewed energy and a fresh feeling of the new week ahead.

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But inevitably I would let the weekend indulge creep into the week. Again nothing too wild and crazy, but a little more lax with the portions than I wanted.

Additionally, I could see the frequent trips to the grocery store dwindling which led to more snacking and ordering out. Neither of which needed to happen.

But I am not here to post excuses, but to work through WHY this little cycle has been happening. Why THIS year.

See that is the problem. This marks my third year of being at goal and a Lifetime member and the first real time I have struggled. The first real time I have put on more than say 5 lbs.

As the inner demons in my brain continue to battle about whether I am worth this struggle and this fight, the topic to the meeting this week shut them down for a brief time. Ahh inner peace... if even for a week.

The topic this week is about creating a Losing List. Here is my losing list from last year. Hearing why my members started their weight loss and healthy living journeys started to chip away at the "rut" feeling that had been weighing me down.

Additionally, it was hearing myself share the story out loud of buying my first belt after never wearing one because I would only wear stretchy pants so I could avoid buying the size 20 pants - that something clicked. I could feel the excitement I felt that day. The feeling of pride that still bursts every time I wear the dress with that darn belt.

It reminded me that life is hard, but we can choose our hard. Being overweight was hard. Losing weight was hard. Maintaining weight loss is hard. But which hard is worth it to me? It is definitely Door #3!

So when I tell my members that them letting me be a part of their journey changes my life on a weekly basis, I am NOT lying. Thank you members and friends and readers for picking me up when I am down ... even if you don't realize it!

OH and while cleaning last Friday night, we found my original weight record book. Ohhhhh talk about motivation!



Today marks almost one-consecutive month of tracking (12/7 will be one month) and I am getting my groove back.

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I am going to continue to fight to get back to goal, but my personal goal has always been 15X.

Now the tracking piece is in place, I need to still work on that activity. While I did earn 84 APs this week - which is still outstanding - it is not to the level I was this summer. So I need to brainstorm how to find my workout groove again. Thankfully marathon training officially starts 12/13 and I am hoping that that will spark whatever light I need.


How do you work through a weight loss or fitness rut?

*RECAP* Closing Out The Distance Medley With BAA Half

You may know the Boston Athletic Association from this tiny race they put on called The Boston Marathon. I know I know it is rarely talked about so not everyone is in the old loop about it. Well it takes place on Patriots Day in Boston every April. A couple of folks get together and enjoy 26.2 miles from Hopkinton to Boston. Still don't know about it? Eh it's okay. It's never televised or anything. ;) Well the BAA puts on more than that little marathon. In 2012, the BAA created the Distance Medley and you know I had to take part. I was a challenge consisting of a 5k (April), a 10k (June) and a Half Marathon (October). If you completed all three races, you would receive and additional medal.  YUP that's where they had me!

In 2014, I would complete the Distance Distance Medley. Yes I made that up but it meant I would be running the BAA 5k, 10k, Half AND Full. No extra medal was offered, but I will pretend I got one and offer that up to the BAA for future ideas.

So Sunday marked the final race in the Distance Medley - the BAA Half.

This is one well-run race. The BAA has the system down pact and as a participant I truly appreciate that.

The race began at 8:30 so the wife and I jumped in the car just after 7am so she could drop me off near the Franklin Park Zoo, where the race began/ended. I opted for an english muffin/pb before leaving the house and a KIND bar to use as fuel before and during the race.

I arrived at the Start Area just before 7:30 and was glad I chose to wear a throwaway shirt as it was chilly! Hello Fall. I beelined for the port-o-potties to get that out-of-the-way and started taking laps around the Start Area to stay warm. Okay I was also looking for anyone I knew since I knew a ton of people at the race, but hadn't made specific plans to meet up with anyone.

Thanks Pattie for finding me and catching up!!

At 8:05am I made my way over to the Start Area. I remembered in 2012 that the Start Corrals were a mess as folks ignored the Pace signs and just tried to get into the Start Corral. Things seemed to run much smoother this year.

While the acting race director (actual race director of BAA was in Kona competing in Iron Man World Championships) and the Mayor spoke, I stretched in the Start Corral and took the opportunity to snap a selfie.

For the first time since the Dopey Challenge in January, I opted to run with music. Since I was sick the last thing I wanted to do was spend 13 miles listening to my horrible breathing/coughing. :P I'd let the people around me suffer through that. ;)

Following the wheelchairs going off, it was our turn. Just after 8:30am, me and 8000 of my closest friends set out to enjoy 13.1 miles.

I didn't have a hard time goal for the race, but in the back of my mind I wanted to finish sub-2. But I knew I would have to listen to my breathing and my body during the race to really set the tone.

The announcer reminded everyone that the first half of the race is more downhill, while the second half was the uphill fun and to race accordingly.

Just like the Boston Marathon the Half starts out on an immediate downhill. I could see myself getting swept up with the runners around me so I recommitted mentally to focusing on MY race. It wouldn't be a PR day - not close to it - so no reason to race recklessly.

I didn't have anyone out specifically cheering for me, but since I knew so many folks racing I hoped to see many familiar faces on the course cheering and running.

Mile 1: 8:06 Mile 2: 8:40 Mile 3: 8:30

I LOVE the Mile 3/4 area of the race because it features an out and back. So not only do I get to see the elite athletes FLY past me, but after I go through the turnaround I can see my friends coming towards me. :)

Mile 4: 8:17 Mile 5: 8:32

5-Mile Check-In: 42:51 (8:34 min/mile pace)

I appreciate BAA offering runner tracking for free for the BAA Half. It allowed not only my wife to track me, but I could update Twitter on the fly. BAA sent out Start, 5-Mile, 10-Mile and Finish Time updates. I love me some free updates.

The weather was perfect and it helped keep my breathing in check. I made sure to take water or gatorade at every water stop and walk through those stops. That 10 second break for my legs and breathing was crucial to me feeling in control throughout the entire run.

Mile 6: 8:33

Just after the 10k mark, I took a quick walk break to have another portion of my KIND bar. Now I am not one to usually carry part of a bar in the back pocket of my shorts and I know why. Hello sweaty KIND bar. :P But it did the trick and thankfully didn't taste any extra salty. ;) I'm happy I carried extra fuel!

Not sure if BAA had a discussion with the trees, but we were entering a gorgeous typical New England Fall landscape and I was loving it.

Why yes the pretty landscape made the incline we were tackling a tad bit easier. Okay not sure everyone would agree with me on that, but it is how I felt in the moment.

I was doing a really good job of ignoring my Garmin during the run. Pace was the farthest thing from my mind. I wanted to soak up the beauty.

And cherish that I was healthy enough to be out on this great course doing something I love.

With my feet moving on auto pilot, my mind was allowed to wander to think about how my life has changed due to weight loss, Weight Watchers and running.

A quick text to friends and the wife letting them know I had hit Mile 7 and I was back to soaking in the race.

Mile 7: 9:07

The crowds were pocketed, but mighty. Spectating a race can be a chore I know - waiting around all that time to catch a glimpse of the person you love come by - but I want to thank all the spectators for cheering on the countless strangers. Many a time that extra high five from a little kid has picked me up enough to push through to the next mile.

Mile 8: 8:27

Through Mile 8 we were making our way back towards the Franklin Park Zoo and the final climb to the Finish. I hadn't run the race since 2012, but the course came back to me as the miles passed.

I was coughing more, but seeing friends I knew on the course kept me pushing forward, but I needed help from my social media crowd to push through the final 4 miles, which I knew were hillier than the previous 9.

A call to social media meant I needed another selfie.

Mile 9: 8:17

Just after I took the Mile 9 selfie I noticed the boyfriend and the fiancee of two of my Tedy's Team teammates.  They didn't know how much I needed those smiles and high-fives. Again, it motivated me forward.

It was time to start playing the mental games of "Oh you only have 4 miles left" and "You ran that with Sarah yesterday you can do it now."

The Mile 10-11 stretch is an out and back with a hefty incline attached to it. I remembered this portion in 2012 seeming never-ending, but this year it wasn't as tough as I recalled. I guess that means I feel stronger now or I built it up more in my mind. You decide. ;)

Mile 10: 8:39

10-Mile Check-In: 1:26:41 (8:40 min/mile pace)

Mile 11: 8:19

Just after the Mile 11 water stop comes the biggest hill of the race. THIS was what I had apparently blocked from my memory. Ha. As we took the right to start the ascent up, I noticed a bunch of spectators walking up the hill to the left. I asked a few if they wanted to tap in and finish the race for me, but they just laughed at me. Apparently they didn't think I was serious??? :P I also asked a group of spectators if I was running in the right direction for the beer. Again just laughter. Well at least I could entertain them, right?

Can we tell I have a little fun while out on the course?

After the incline we are treated with a mile through the Franklin Park Zoo. How can you be angry when you get to run through a zoo during a race?

I tried to snap a picture of the birds, but it didn't come out very well.

Also it was a little BS that I couldn't buy some mid-run Dippin Dots for fuel.

I do regret not going back and attempting to take a mid-run selfie with the Camel in the Zoo. I feel like I let myself down there, but I didn't spot the camel until I was well past it. Next time I'll be more aware! I promise. :)

Mile 12: 8:39

The crowds were thick as we came out of the Zoo and headed to the Finish chute. We finish along the track within White Stadium, which is pretty sweet since the stands are full of spectators.

Mile 13: 8:18

I decided I wanted to up my selfie game and snap one as I crossed the Finish Line.

Now I am just waiting to see how it looked from the MarathonFoto photographers' angle. :)

Official FINISH TIME: 1:52:58 (8:37 min/mile pace)

Besides my Garmin saying 13.34 miles the finish time was spot on. I beelined it to my friend Greg, who was handing out Finisher's Medals. I had promised him that we would take a selfie together after he hung my medal around my neck.

Greg is an unbelievably motivating person who kicks ass on the running and triathlon fronts. Plus he let's me bother him with my asinine training questions. :) Thank you internet for brining Greg into my world.

Following the Half medal pick-up, I had to grab my Distance Medley medal.

Oh hey hey pretty bling!

After you pick up your medals, you are directed right into the post-race food area: protein bars, bananas, bagels and additional snacks from B.Good. I went STRAIGHT to the bagels and was psyched to see Chocolate Chip bagels. I have never seen Chocolate Chips bagels at the end of any other race than a BAA one.

Mmmm worth every Weight Watchers Point.

The only downside is BAA races don't offer post-race beer. We know that is a must for the races I sign up for. So this is an exception.

Overall the race was a great experience as always with clear directions/signage, tons of volunteers and great spectator support. Plus the bling is pretty sweet.

My second distance medley was in the books and I think I will keep adding it into the mix every couple of years. It is hard to commit in January when sign ups occur to be home each of those weekends in April, June and October.

I highly recommend the Distance Medley to all of my friends. But if you aren't up for that the BAA Half is a great first half for any of my friends/readers ready to take that next step in their racing.


Have you ever done a race series challenge or the Distance Medley itself?

Face It Friday: Putting September Behind Me

The month of September featured both highs and lows: * Completing my first half ironman - big high!! :)


* Reducing activity to recover - sad low!

* Had a blast turning 3-2 - motivating high!


* Taking the celebration of my birthday from a day to a couple weeks - disappointing low!

* Enjoying some new delicious craft beers - delicious high!

* Tracking the good, bad, ugly - high and low! I didn't make my promise of tracking everything in the month of September - missed 1/3 of the month.


But now we are in a fresh month ... okay I know we are technically 10 days into a new month, but to me a "fresh month" starts whenever we need it to happen.

From August 29 through today (10/10), I regained 4.5 lbs. Not happy with that, but I know it could've been worse. There were still some great things I did during that month and I am focusing on the positives.

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But I faced the scale today to see that in the last two weeks I gained 0.7 lbs. That is okay.


It is fascinating that when I tend to go off track my body jumps to 161 and sits around there. It is such an odd thing I have learned about my body during the 2.5 years since hitting goal. Do I know why? Nope, but a pattern I have noticed.

This past week I had decided not to track over the weekend it was a big three days of indulging, two wedding celebrations and a lack of activity. I had 14 APs by Monday morning which is the least I've had in ages.

But after a walk with two of my fellow Weight Watchers leaders, I went back to guestimate as best I could. No need in lying to myself or my tracker.


It felt better to own up to the choices.

So my goal going forward is to gain more control over my weekends (as has been the goal all summer) and find a better balance.

Either way I am 4.9 lbs away from being back into Lifetime range and 6.9 lbs from Goal. I will get back there, but in the meantime I am happy that my clothes are feeling looser and I am in the healthy weight range for my height (which is most important).

We are more than a number... remember that!

On the flip side I would be happier with a little less weight off my surgically repaired back so focusing on getting back to the 150s!


Do you plan controlled indulgences during the week?

Face It Friday: A NWI & Eating Disorder Triggers 9/12/14

For the first Friday since June 13, I did not step on the scale. I wasn't mentally in a spot to see the number on the scale. Whether it was going to be a loss, maintain or a gain, I didn't want my week defined by it.

This past week was a HUGE win for my fitness journey. I finished my first Half Ironman and it really was unbelievable.

photo 5 (68)

But the post-race blues set in on Monday... the snacking increased. I took a rest week this week to let the body heal a little, which left me with a lot of time on my hands. Stupid snacks.


I learned a lesson for the next time. Food is not the answer. I will need other things to fill the time during a rest week.

I also allowed the beer to creep into my weekdays. All summer I had stuck with the #drinkend (adult drinks on weekend only), but let that slide this week.

I tracked it all. Owned all the choices.

And I had a victory ... I didn't purge.

For those that don't know, I was in a very bad place with eating disorders for many years. When I overeat or overindulge, the urge to purge can rear its ugly head. So it happened this week. But I didn't give in. I held strong.

I am worth more than the disease. I am not defined by the disease.

I wish I could just snap my fingers and have it go away from my brain, but I can't. So each day is a battle to win. But again I am worth the battle.

I didn't like how it felt being back in that position. It has been since December that I really felt the urges this strong, but this time I didn't cave. Thanks to friends who allowed me to reach out to them when I needed the support.

If you are ever feeling alone or a need to talk, please reach out to me!! I am always here to lend an ear.

But today is a new day. This is a new week ... that includes my birthday!

So I know that this week again I will enjoy, celebrate and track it all. One week, one meal, one decision doesn't  define the journey!


How do you handle the post-race blues?